Monday, July 11, 2011

Follow Your Instincts

A few months ago, I dyed my hair from dark brown to blonde. The thing is, I was blonde when I was a kid, and I've always thought of myself as blonde, so waking up every morning and looking at a brunette in the mirror was a very strange thing (even though I had brunette hair for a couple of years straight). In fact, the other day, when my hair came up in conversation with a guy I know, I expressed my reservations, and he asked if "blondes don't have more fun?" My response? "I had more fun when I had black hair."

It was only a knee-jerk response, but maybe there was something to it. And so today, I thought I'd share with you the product that made my brunette days possible: Natural Instincts haircolor.

I originally chose Natural Instincts (about ten years ago) because one of the restrictions my mother placed on my hair experiments, along with a ban on unnatural hair colors such as pink or blue, was that I use only non-permanent dye, and this product fit the bill. As a result of its non-permanent nature, it's a gentler variety of hair color, meaning that the scalp action is less cringe-worthy and the fumes don't make me want to die. And although there has been some user error along the way (missed spots, bad decisions), I still swear by Natural Instincts.

So if you're considering a new shade, check out the colors that Natural Instincts has to offer. It's an easy-to-use product, and the conditioner that comes in the box smells awesome. Trust me; I've been doing this for a decade!

Buy through the Procter and Gamble eStore for $7.99.

Image via Procter and Gamble.


PS Check this out: I was the featured writer at Where Writers Write yesterday. It's a Tumblr devoted to the study of writers in their natural habitats. It's a great project, so please show the site some love!

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