Friday, July 6, 2012

The Triumphant (?) Return

Welcome back!

I know you missed us. (What's that? You didn't know we were gone? Well, whatever.) And we're glad to be back! Though our hiatus was much-needed, life wasn't quite the same without our daily dose of blogging. And what did we do with ourselves during our time off? So glad you asked!

1) What We Covet has been slightly redesigned, as you may have noticed. Mainly we just changed some colors and added/subtracted things where necessary. (We also updated the logo on our Facebook page.)

2) There is now an updated Websites We Covet list! Finally, a more comprehensive collection of our favorite news outlets and blogs is available for your viewing pleasure.

3) Our Facebook content will now be a little more specific. Cate still uploads content on the 5th of every month, but instead of picking different topics each time, she'll start documenting her feelings about her Top 100 Songs, something she used to do on this very blog. Maureen will continue to entertain us all with her artistic renderings of our official mascot, Herbert the Unicorn, on the 15th of every month. Additionally, we will now post all People We Covet entries on Facebook on the 25th of each month, alternating posts starting with Maureen in July.

4) Maureen and Cate each have their own biographical pages on the site! So if you're dying to know more about us, go ahead and dive in. Maybe you'll learn something interesting. Or maybe you'll realize that Cate is shallow and Maureen was dragged into this endeavor against her will (sort of). Either way.

5) We had many conversations about Maureen's title and never came to a conclusion about how we should word her business card, so if anyone has suggestions, please let us know.

6) This has nothing to do with the blog, but Cate may or may not have developed a slight preoccupation with Loki (of Thor and The Avengers), and then she may or may not have tweeted a semi-inappropriate thing to Tom Hiddleston. Shit happens.

Before we sign off for the day, we'd like to thank you for coming back to read about our covetousness after our too-long break. (If you're new to What We Covet, welcome! We're so glad you stumbled into our neck of the woods.) Without our readers, this endeavor of ours would mean little, and we appreciate what you do for us!

Incense and peppermints,

-Cate and Maureen-

PS For those of you who are familiar with Jessica Hansen's awesome blog Lovely Undergrad, it might interest you to know that she has started an online mag called Girl Next Dorm. What's more, Jessica has agreed to take Cate on as a contributor to GND, so you should definitely cruise on by to see what kind of college-girl advice Cate is giving, and whether it's reasonable or not, and generally just support the project, because Jessica and her host of other contributors have been working very hard to bring the magazine to fruition!

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