Saturday, August 7, 2010

It Was the Best Day Ever

Yesterday I went to the small, locally-owned bookshop and spent a hundred dollars. A hundred dollars of other people's money. Because I had gift certificates.

It was basically the best day ever. I have never spent more than maybe twenty or thirty dollars on books at a time. And then it was my money. This time it was everyone else's money. And it was great. I bought four books for my little brother (he just turned sixteen) and two for my mother and three for me. I would have gotten more, and I still have about fifty dollars on my certificates, but I have never had that much money in my book budget. I was addled.

Two of the books I bought were Looking for Alaska by John Green and Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan.

I first learned of John Green by watching YouTube vloggers Sister Salad, when Salad Sister Lizz talked about his latest book Paper Towns. Then I finally got around to watching the Vlog Brothers, of which John is one. The other is Hank Green. If you want to know a secret, I like John's vlogs more. Hank is an eco guy. He's all about being nice to the earth. Which is cool and all, but John Green writes books! Books are what interest me.

Sister Salad was, of course, inspired by the Green brothers. The vlog is run by three sisters: Alexandra, Lizz, and Invisisis. They don't reveal Invisisis's full name or face because she's too young. It's very considerate. The Vlog Brothers are much better about the vlogging than Sister Salad, but that's probably because they engineered the siblings-communicating-through-video thing, and don't have traditional jobs. The sisters have to do things like go to work and school and stuff.

Go to YouTube to watch the Vlog Brothers and Sister Salad.

And buy the books from the nearest locally-owned bookshop.

Best wishes!

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